GENTSPACE 2020 秋冬系列

2020 Autumn / Winter Collection


A Journey for the Ego Reborn

GENTSPACE 2020秋冬系列是一场当代睿士的逐心之旅,以“Self-Reflection”为灵感,在阿尔卑斯的多洛米蒂山间,在幻变秀丽的布莱斯湖畔,遇见一个由反射创造的平行世界。空旷的山谷、宁静的水面恰如睿智之士豁达淡泊的胸襟。

Drawing inspiration from the virtue of ‘Self-Reflection’, the GENTSPACE 2020 Autumn Winter Collection initiates a journey following the modern gent’s heart. The journey leads to an illusive new world created by the reflection in reality, paralleling with the real one we are in. Hiding in the Dolomiti behind the Lake Braies, this new world interlinks both the internal and external sides that make a gentleman.

GENTSPACE 2020 秋冬系列逐心之旅的终点不会是失去生机的宁静,相反,是在平静湖面中重生的自我。

In this journey led by the GENTSPACE 2020 Autumn Winter Collection, we’ll see ourselves reborn through peace. It’s the start, not the end.


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