GENTSPACE 2018春夏系列

2018 Spring / Summer Collection


Exotic Adventure

异域之旅是GENTSPACE 2018春夏系列的灵感主题。品牌以充满异域情调的度假胜地摩洛哥作为灵感背景,将多种轻松优雅的度假造型贯穿于整个系列,尽显当代男士时髦又随性的浪漫气质。系列单品亦是都会新绅日常着装的型格之选,独具匠心的设计细节赋予整体造型当代经典的风格态度。

GENTSPACE 2018 Spring/Summer collection reveals a story of exotic adventure. The collection is inspired by Morocco’s exotic touch, which is perfect for an escape away from the city. Primarily, the resort looks are chic and easy to wear, empowering an stylish as well as poetic ego of the modern man. With artisanal details for refined decoration, the design tells a contemporary classic attitude in aesthetics, ideal as everyday urban wear for the new gentlemen.

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